
Other news

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2013-12-26 Tomcat 8.0.0-RC10 (alpha) Released

The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the next release candidate for Apache Tomcat 8 - 8.0.0-RC10 (alpha). Tomcat 8 is aligned with Java EE 7. In addition to supporting updated versions of the Java EE specifications, Tomcat 8 includes a number of improvements compared to Tomcat 7. The notable changes include:

  • Support for Java Servlet 3.1, JavaServer Pages 2.3, Java Unified Expression Language 3.0 and Java WebSocket 1.0.
  • The default connector implementation is now the Java non-blocking implementation (NIO) for both HTTP and AJP.
  • A new resources implementation that replaces Aliases, VirtualLoader, VirtualDirContext, JAR resources and external repositories with a single, consistent approach for configuring additional web application resources. The new resources implementation can also be used to implement overlays (using a master WAR as the basis for multiple web applications that each have their own customizations).

Apache Tomcat 8.0.0-RC10 includes numerous fixes for issues identified in RC5 as well as a number of other enhancements and changes. The notable changes since RC5 include:

  • Extending the new resources implementation to include resource handling for class loaders and the addition of a new feature to track the code responsible for an open file.
  • Complete refactoring of TLD handling including the addition of caching of parsed TLDs to improve performance.
  • Improvements to JMX MBeans including better visibility of DBCP connection pools and improved organisation in the default JConsole view.

Full details of these changes, and all the other changes, are available in the Tomcat 8 changelog.

The purpose of this release candidate is to give users an opportunity to test Tomcat 8 and provide feedback to the Tomcat community. It has been given an alpha status which means that it is not judged as being ready for production usage. The implementations of the 4 Java EE 7 specifications are all complete but there is a small amount of refactoring to be completed before the alpha label is removed.


2013-10-24 Tomcat 7.0.47 Released

The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of version 7.0.47 of Apache Tomcat. This release contains a number of bug fixes and improvements compared to version 7.0.42. The notable changes include:

  • Back-port the JSR-356 Java WebSocket 1.0 implementation from Apache Tomcat 8. Note that use of this functionality requires Java 7.
  • Deprecate the Apache Tomcat proprietary WebSocket API in favour of the new JSR-356 implementation.
  • Add a drawing board example to the WebSocket examples.
  • The minimum required APR/native library version required if the APR/native connector is used is now 1.1.29.

Full details of these changes, and all the other changes, are available in the Tomcat 7 changelog.

Download | ChangeLog for 7.0.47

2013-10-20 Tomcat 8.0.0-RC5 (alpha) Released

The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the next release candidate for Apache Tomcat 8 - 8.0.0-RC5 (alpha). Tomcat 8 is aligned with Java EE 7. In addition to supporting updated versions of the Java EE specifications, Tomcat 8 includes a number of improvements compared to Tomcat 7. The notable changes include:

  • Support for Java Servlet 3.1, JavaServer Pages 2.3, Java Unified Expression Language 3.0 and Java WebSocket 1.0.
  • The default connector implementation is now the Java non-blocking implementation (NIO) for both HTTP and AJP.
  • A new resources implementation that replaces Aliases, VirtualLoader, VirtualDirContext, JAR resources and external repositories with a single, consistent approach for configuring additional web application resources. The new resources implementation can also be used to implement overlays (using a master WAR as the basis for multiple web applications that each have their own customizations).

Apache Tomcat 8.0.0-RC5 includes numerous fixes for issues identified in RC3 as well as a number of other enhancements and changes. The notable changes since RC1 include:

  • Improved stability of the APR/native connector when using WebSocket
  • Add a drawing board example to the WebSocket examples.
  • Add support for directly serving gzipped versions of a resource via the default servlet.

Full details of these changes, and all the other changes, are available in the Tomcat 8 changelog.

The purpose of this release candidate is to give users an opportunity to test Tomcat 8 and provide feedback to the Tomcat community. It has been given an alpha status which means that it is not judged as being ready for production usage. The implementations of the 4 Java EE 7 specifications are all complete but there is some internal refactoring to be completed before the alpha label is removed.


2013-10-15 Tomcat Native 1.1.29 Released

The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of version 1.1.29 of Tomcat Native.

Download | ChangeLog for 1.1.29

2013-09-23 Tomcat 8.0.0-RC3 (alpha) Released

The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the next release candidate for Apache Tomcat 8 - 8.0.0-RC3 (alpha). Tomcat 8 is aligned with Java EE 7. In addition to supporting updated versions of the Java EE specifications, Tomcat 8 includes a number of improvements compared to Tomcat 7. The notable changes include:

  • Support for Java Servlet 3.1, JavaServer Pages 2.3, Java Unified Expression Language 3.0 and Java WebSocket 1.0.
  • The default connector implementation is now the Java non-blocking implementation (NIO) for both HTTP and AJP.
  • A new resources implementation that replaces Aliases, VirtualLoader, VirtualDirContext, JAR resources and external repositories with a single, consistent approach for configuring additional web application resources. The new resources implementation can also be used to implement overlays (using a master WAR as the basis for multiple web applications that each have their own customizations).

Apache Tomcat 8.0.0-RC3 includes numerous fixes for issues identified in RC1 as well as a number of other enhancements and changes. The notable changes since RC1 include:

  • Switch to UTF-8 by default for connectors and example web applications.
  • Switch to the asynchronous logger and one line formatter by default.
  • Add Servlet 3.1 non-blocking IO support to the AJP connectors.

Full details of these changes, and all the other changes, are available in the Tomcat 8 changelog.

The purpose of this release candidate is to give users an opportunity to test Tomcat 8 and provide feedback to the Tomcat community. It has been given an alpha status which means that it is not judged as being ready for production usage. The implementations of the 4 Java EE 7 specifications are all complete but there is some internal refactoring to be completed before the alpha label is removed.


2013-08-05 Tomcat 8.0.0-RC1 (alpha) Released

The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the first release candidate for Apache Tomcat 8 - 8.0.0-RC1 (alpha). Tomcat 8 is aligned with Java EE 7. In addition to supporting updated versions of the Java EE specifications, Tomcat 8 includes a number of improvements compared to Tomcat 7. The notable changes include:

  • Support for Java Servlet 3.1, JavaServer Pages 2.3, Java Unified Expression Language 3.0 and Java WebSocket 1.0.
  • The default connector implementation is now the Java non-blocking implementation (NIO) for both HTTP and AJP.
  • A new resources implementation that replaces Aliases, VirtualLoader, VirtualDirContext, JAR resources and external repositories with a single, consistent approach for configuring additional web application resources. The new resources implementation can also be used to implement overlays (using a master WAR as the basis for multiple web applications that each have their own customizations).

Full details of these changes, and all the other changes, are available in the Tomcat 8 changelog.

The purpose of this release candidate is to give users an opportunity to test Tomcat 8 and provide feedback to the Tomcat community. It has been given an alpha status which means that it is not judged as being ready for production usage. The implementations of the 4 Java EE 7 specifications are all complete but there is some internal refactoring to be completed before the alpha label is removed.


2013-07-05 Tomcat 7.0.42 Released

The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of version 7.0.42 of Apache Tomcat. This release contains a number of bug fixes and improvements compared to version 7.0.41. The notable changes include:

  • Add support for time to first byte in the AccessLogValve. Patch provided by Jeremy Boynes.
  • Correct a regression introduced in 7.0.39 (refactoring of base 64 encoding and decoding) that broke the JNDI Realm when userPassword was set and passwords were hashed with MD5 or SHA1.
  • Ensure that the build process produces Javadoc that is not vulnerable to CVE-2013-1571. Based on a patch by Uwe Schindler.

Full details of these changes, and all the other changes, are available in the Tomcat 7 changelog.

Download | ChangeLog for 7.0.42

2013-06-10 Tomcat 7.0.41 Released

The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of version 7.0.41 of Apache Tomcat. This release contains a number of bug fixes and improvements compared to version 7.0.40. The notable changes include:

  • Add a Servlet Filter that implements CORS. Patch provided by Mohit Soni.
  • Ensure that when Tomcat's anti-resource locking features are used that the temporary copy of the web application and not the original is removed when the web application stops.
  • Add support for the version attribute to the deploy command of the Ant tasks for interfacing with the text based Manager application. Patch provided by Sergey Tcherednichenko.

Full details of these changes, and all the other changes, are available in the Tomcat 7 changelog.

Download | ChangeLog for 7.0.41

2013-05-09 Tomcat 7.0.40 Released

The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of version 7.0.40 of Apache Tomcat. This release contains a security fix and a number of bug fixes and improvements compared to version 7.0.39. The notable changes include:

  • A fix for CVE-2013-2071 (bug 54178) an information disclosure issue.
  • Various fixes to stop Tomcat attempting to parse text that looks like an EL expression in a JSP document as an EL expression when EL expressions are either not permitted or not enabled.
  • Improved handling and reporting if a ConcurrentModificationException occurs while checking for memory leaks when a web application is being stopped.

Full details of these changes, and all the other changes, are available in the Tomcat 7 changelog.

Download | ChangeLog for 7.0.40

2013-05-03 Tomcat 6.0.37 Released

The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of version 6.0.37 of Apache Tomcat. This release includes security and bug fixes over Apache Tomcat 6.0.36.

Download | ChangeLog for 6.0.37

2013-03-26 Tomcat 7.0.39 Released

The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of version 7.0.39 of Apache Tomcat. This release contains a number of bug fixes and improvements compared to version 7.0.37. The notable changes include:

  • There have been multiple improvements in the bytes to/from characters conversion process. The core conversion process has been refactored to use the NIO APIs. This has resulted in a number of improvements including invalid UTF-8 byte sequences at the end of a series of bytes now trigger a conversion error rather than being silently swallowed. Errors detected in request URIs will be replaced with the replacement character (allowing the application to respond to the invalid URI as it wishes) and errors in request bodies will trigger an IOException. The use of the JVM provided UTF-8 decoder has been replaced by a better UTF-8 decoder derived from Apache Harmony. This improved decoder has earlier detection of error conditions and more closely follows the Unicode specification regarding the use of replacement characters.
  • The annotation scanning process now provides more information if the scan fails due to broken class dependencies. There is now enough information to identify the class(es) at fault. The JAR scanning process that supports annotation scanning has also seen multiple improvements and fixes including the exclusion by default of the Bootstrap class path from the scan.
  • Upgraded a number of Tomcat's dependencies including Commons Daemon to 1.0.14, Commons IO to 2.4 and Commons FileUpload to r1458500. A new dependency on Commons Codec was added to replace Tomcat's internal Base64 encoder/decoder.

Full details of these changes, and all the other changes, are available in the Tomcat 7 changelog.

Download | ChangeLog for 7.0.39

2013-02-25 Tomcat Maven Plugin 2.1 Released

The Apache Tomcat team is pleased to announce the release of Tomcat Maven Plugin 2.1.

The Apache Tomcat Maven Plugin provides goals to manipulate WAR projects within the Apache Tomcat servlet container.

The binaries are available from Maven repositories. You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:




2013-02-18 Tomcat 7.0.37 Released

The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of version 7.0.37 of Apache Tomcat. This release contains a small number of bug fixes and improvements compared to version 7.0.35. The notable changes include:

  • Fix the regression in the JspC tool that is used to pre-compile JSP pages introduced in 7.0.35. See issue 54440 for details. Patch provided by Sheldon Shao.
  • Improve handling of ciphers and sslEnabledProtocols options for the BIO and NIO connectors. The behaviour of each connector is now the same. The values provided are pruned to those supported by the SSL implementation and when none of the remaining values are supported a warning is issued and the connector configured with an empty set of options (which essentially disables HTTPS support).
  • Update to Commons Daemon 1.0.13.

Full details of these changes, and all the other changes, are available in the Tomcat 7 changelog.

Download | ChangeLog for 7.0.37

2013-01-16 Tomcat 7.0.35 Released

The Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of version 7.0.35 of Apache Tomcat. This release contains a small number of bug fixes and improvements compared to version 7.0.34. The notable changes include:

  • Integrate documentation of Tomcat 7 with Apache Comments System. People can leave their comments when reading the documentation online.
  • Improve detection of JAVA_HOME on OSX.
  • Add support for auto-detection and configuration of JARs on the classpath that provide tag plug-in implementations. Based on a patch by Sheldon Shao.

Full details of these changes, and all the other changes, are available in the Tomcat 7 changelog.

Notice: The JspC tool that is used to pre-compile JSP pages is broken in this release. See issue 54440 for details.

Download | ChangeLog for 7.0.35

Older news

Announcements from previous years can be found here: